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Prices and timetable for trains between St.Petersburg and Moscow
We can help you to book and purchase train tickets for the most popular train trip in Russia: Moscow - St.Peteresburg and St.Petersburg - Moscow.
To book your train tickets, please tell us:
1. Route(s) (destination(s)) and Date(s) of the trip; Number of passengers
2. If you need overnight or day train
3. Which compartment (class) do you prefer (for overnight trains): compartment for 2 persons (1st class) or for 4 persons (2nd class)
4. See below a timetable and approximate prices for your train trip
5. Train tickets in Russia can't be bought out earlier than 45 days before the trip!
6. For the most of the trains between Moscow and St.Petersburg we offer electron tickets, that you'll get by e-mail!
NB! If train tickets are NOT electron, we can send them to you by courier or express courier delivery. You can also pick up your tickets in our office in St.Petersburg.
Approximate prices for train tickets for both directions:
Trains St.Petersburg - Moscow | ||||||
№ |
Train number | Average price per person, RUB | Timetable | |||
1st class | 2nd class | Departure | Arrival | Days | ||
Overnight trains | ||||||
001 | Red Arrow (Krasnaya Strela) |
6400 | 3850 | 23:55 | 07:55 (+1) | every day |
003 | 5300 | 3700 | 23:59 | 08:00 (+1) | every day | |
025 | Smena | 5100 | 2950 | 23:36 | 07:25 (+1) |
every day |
063 | 6400 | 3850 | 23:00 | 06:35 (+1) | Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun | |
019 | Megapolis | 6600 | 3400 | 00:26 | 09:00 | every day |
037 | Afanasy Nikitin | 5500 | 2600 | 00:40 | 09:53 | every day |
055 | - | 4300 | 2000 | 22:00 | 05:19 (+1) |
every day |
029 | - | 4300 | 2000 | 22:15 | 05:30 (+1) | every day except Sat |
051 | - | 3900 | 2000 | 21:20 | 05:08 (+1) | every day except Sat |
027 |
Northern Palmira(Severnaya Palmira) | 4900 | 2850 | 22:40 | 05:57 (+1) | even days |
053 | Grand Express | 5800 | - | 23:48 | 08:38 (+1) |
odd days |
Day Trains (seats available in 1st and 2nd class) |
151 | 7700 | 4600 | 06:45 | 10:35 | every day | |
153 |
Sapsan |
7700 | 4600 | 07:00 | 11:00 | every day |
157 | 6300 | 3700 | 13:30 | 18:00 | every day | |
161 | Sapsan | 8300 | 4950 | 15:00 | 19:15 | every day |
165 |
Sapsan |
8300 | 4950 | 19:45 | 23:35 |
every day |
NB! (+1) means the train arrives the next day
* We mention here cheapest the train tickets options that usually don't include services (meals, newspapers, hygienic items, etc.) But the prices for all train options (except for the day trains) include the bed-linen. If you want to book tickets including services, please let us know.
Trains Moscow - St.Petersburg | ||||||
№ |
Train number | Average prices per person, RUB | Timetable | |||
1st class | 2nd class | Departure | Arrival | Days | ||
Overnight trains | ||||||
002 | 6400 | 3850 | 23:55 | 07:55 (+1) | every day | |
004 | 5300 | 3700 | 23:59 | 08:00 (+1) | every day | |
026 | Smena | 5100 | 2950 | 23:00 | 06:39 (+1) | Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun |
064 | 5100 | 3200 | 22:10 | 06:00 (+1) | Mon, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sun | |
020 | Megapolis | 6600 | 3400 | 00:54 | 09:00 | every day |
038 | Afanasy Nikitin | 5500 | 2600 | 00:44 | 08:48 | every day |
056 | - | 4300 | 2000 | 20:40 | 04:40 | every day |
030 | - | 4300 | 2000 | 01:10 | 09:37 | every day except Sat |
052 | - | 3900 | 2000 | 21:20 | 05:00 (+1) | every day except Sat |
028 | 4900 | 2850 | 22:47 | 05:56 (+1) | even days | |
054 | Grand Express | 5800 | - | 23:40 | 08:35 (+1) | odd days |
Day Trains (seats available in 1st and 2nd class) | ||||||
152 | 7700 | 4600 | 06:45 | 10:35 | every day | |
154 |
Sapsan |
7700 | 4600 | 07:00 | 11:00 | every day |
158 | 6300 | 3700 | 13:30 | 18:00 | every day | |
162 | Sapsan | 8300 | 4950 | 16:30 | 20:45 | every day |
164 |
Sapsan |
8300 | 4950 | 19:30 | 23:24 | every day |
NB! (+1) means the train arrives the next day
* We mention here cheapest the train tickets options that usually don't include services (meals, newspapers, hygienic items, etc.) But the prices for all train options (except for the day trains) include the bed-linen. If you want to book tickets including services, please let us know.
Payment options: We accept payment by credit cards (Visa and Master Card).You can also purchase the tickets in our office in St.Petersburg.
- The trains from St.Petersburg to Moscow arrive to Leningradsky train station. Trains from Moscow to St.Petersburg arrive to Moskovsky train station.
- It is better to arrive 30 minutes before departure of the train!
- For entering the train you should show your ticket and original of your passport!
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