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Prices and timetables for trains between Russia and Mongolia, China

We can help you to book and purchase train tickets for the trains: Moscow - Ulan-Bator, Moscow - Beijing, Moscow - Ulan-Bator - Beijing, Irkutsk - Ulan-Bator, Irkutsk - Beijing, Irkutsk - Ulan-Bator - Beijing,  Ulan-Ude - Ulan-Bator, Ulan-Ude - Beijing, Ulan-Ude - Ulan-Bator - Beijing. After travelling through Russia you can continue you travel via Trans Mongolian or Trans Manchurian Lines (to Ulan-Bator or to Beijing).
NB! Do not forget to make visas to visit Mongolia and China
To book your train tickets, please tell us:
1. Route(s) (destination(s)) and Date(s) of the trip; Number of passengers
Type of compartment (class) do you prefer: compartment for 2 persons (1st class) or for 4 persons (2nd class)
3. See below a timetable and approximate prices for your train trip.  
4. Train tickets in Russia can't be bought out earlier than 45 days before the trip! 
5. For all routes between Russia and Mongolia, China the tickets are NOT electron!
6. For tickets delivery we use courier or express courier delivery. You can also pick up your tickets in our office in St.Petersburg.

Approximate prices for train tickets for all directions:

Trains from Russia to Mongolia and China
Trains from Moscow, Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude to Ulan-Bator
Destination/RouteTrain numberAverage price per person, EURTimetable
1st class2nd class
Moscow - Ulan-Bator 004 490EUR 320EUR 21:35 06:30 (+5) Tue 
006 21:32 06:30 (+5) Wed,Thu
Irkutsk - Ulan-Bator 004 367EUR 264EUR 05:25 06:30 (+1) Sat
006 05:25 06:30 (+1) Mon, Sun
362 21:50 06:20 (+1) every day
Ulan-Ude - Ulan-Bator 004 290EUR 210EUR 12:30 06:30 (+1) Sat
006 12:30 06:30 (+1) Mon, Sun
362 06:55 06:20 (+1) every day
Trains from Moscow,Irkutsk, Ulan-Ude to Beijing
Moscow - Beijing 004 820EUR 540EUR 21:35 14:04 (+6) Tue
020 23:55 05:31 (+7) Fri
Irkutsk - Beijing 004 510EUR 365EUR 05:25 14:04 (+2) Sat
020 09:32 05:31 (+3) Tue
Ulan-Ude - Beijing 004 430EUR 310EUR 12:30 14:04 (+2) Sat
020 16:35 05:31 (+3) Tue
Combined train tickets
 Moscow - Ulan-Bator - Beijing 890EUR 595EUR upon request
 Irkutsk - Ulan-Bator - Beijing 535EUR 385EUR upon request
 Ulan-Ude - Ulan-Bator - Beijing 460EUR 330EUR upon request

NB! (+1) means the train arrives the next day, (+2) means the train arrives in 1 day, etc.
We mention here cheapest the train tickets options that usually don't include services (meals, newspapers, hygienic items, etc.) But the prices for all train options include the bed-linen.
Book your train ticket!

Payment options: We accept payment by credit cards (Visa and Master Card).You can also purchase the tickets in our office in St.Petersburg.

- The trains from/to  Moscow depart/arrive from/to Yaroslavsky train station.
- It is better to arrive 30 minutes before departure of the train!
- For entering the train you should show your ticket and
original of your passport!

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