Timetable for the buses between Russia and Estonia:
Tallinn - St.Petersburg, St.Petersburg - Tallinn

As the trains between Tallinn and St. Petersburg are temporary canceled as an alternative we offer to travel by international bus of ECOLINES. We cane book and buy the tickets for these buses for the routes Tallinn - St. Petersburg and St. Petersburg - Tallinn. To reserve the bus ticket, please, fill in our booking form. 
Bus tickets are electronic.  We can send them to you by e-mail or you can pick them up in our office in St.Petersburg. 
Buses from St.petersburg to Tallinn and back are going every day. 
Approximate price for the tickets is 1700RUR (about 40EUR) per person.
To get the exact price or ask questions, please contact us!

  Tallinn - St.Petersburg 
Departure from TallinnArrival to St.Petersburg
21:30 06:00 (+1)

Book your bus ticket!

St.Petersburg - Tallinn
Departure from St.PetersburgArrival to Tallinn
22:30 06:00 (+1)

Book your bus ticket!

NB! (+1) means the bus arrives the next day.

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