The world famous St.Petersburg Zoological
museum is one of the largest of its kind. It was founded in 1728 as the
zoological department of Kunstkamera. In 1832 it became a separate academic
establishment. It was constructed by the architect Giovanni Lucchini. The major
contribution in creating collection of the museum was made by Brandt, who
became the first director of Zoological museum. The first collections, owned by
Karl Ernst von Bar, Fedor Brandt and Alexander Middendorf, were supplemented by
the new exhibits collected during the expeditions by the staff of the
Zoological Institute and major Russian experts in natural history, such as
Pyotr Pallas, Nikolai Przhevalsky, Pyotr Kozlov and Nikolai Miklukho-Maklai. As
the collection was widened fast the museum moved to the other part of the
building. After the reconstruction of the premises and movement of the museum
pieces Zoological museum was opened.
In 1930, the museum became a part of the
Zoological institute of the Russian
Academy of Sciences. In
fact it is a laboratory for research in the field of zoology. Nowadays the
exhibition department of the institute owned 12 laboratories, two biological
research stations on the White and the Baltic seas, scientific library and the
information-publishing department. At present, about 40,000 animals are
included in the exhibitions of the Museum, and its scientific collections include
more than 15,000,000 specimens: invertebrates, fish, amphibia, reptiles, and a
multitude of birds and mammals, large number of rare and even extinct animals,
a collection of animal anomalies are on display and it attracts about 700,000
to 900,000 people annually to visit the Museum.